Must see

Ideas, Thoughts and process

  • Mentoring - Mentors help guide you to become successful.
  • Is This Code Still Good? - Code is not meant to live forever, unless it goes interstellar like Voyager 1, because there’s always a better alternative that comes along and deprecates old code. Code, just like most products, should have an expiration date; AWESOME IDEA

Podcast & Videos

  • The Sweet Spot - Alberto Brandolini discusses how the Theory of Constraints, Kanban, CQRS, Domain-Driven Design, EventStorming and UX blend together to solve the real problems in software development.

Software development - Pattern, Practices and architecture

Domain Driven

  • MicroservicePremium - The microservices architectural style has been the hot topic over the last year. At the recent O’Reilly software architecture conference, it seemed like every session talked about microservices. Enough to get everyone’s over-hyped-bullshit detector up and flashing
  • Preview of my lightning talk on microservices - Trying to give you a birdseye view of the microservices concept.



Javascript (javascript, NodeJs, IOjs)


DevOps, Security and other fun stuff.

Other Languages

LOLZ or Nize