Must see
- Docker: Not Even a Linker - A interesting perspective on Docker
- Scaling To Infinity with Docker Swarm, Docker Compose and Consul - this is extremely interesting! this what i play with when everyone sleeps, become a master of DevOps, code and the World!
Ideas, Thoughts and process
- In an Era of Distributed Teams - i think this is a great perspective on the distributed team
- Escape the trap! Avoiding traps in software development with systems thinking - funny and has a ring to it…
- Don’t Blame Bad Software on Developers – Blame it on their Managers - Like Conways law…
Podcast & Videos
- NDC talk on SOLID in slices not layers video online - Great session and article on SOLID in slices and not layers.
- Business Logic, a different perspective - Udi Dahan - Another great talk from Udi Dahan
Software development - Pattern, Practices and architecture
- A Look At Akka.NET - Don’t worry i haven’t forgotten Actors, they are cool!
- Transitioning from ASP.NET Web API 2 to ASP.NET MVC 6 - Come on you wanna try it…
- Locust - load-testing - this looks cool, and think it is a great candidate for playing with docker:)
Javascript (javascript, NodeJs, IOjs)
- End-to-end Hypermedia: Building a React Client - i like HATEOAS, and i like the possibilioties if gives us on developing rice applicicaitons
- Reactive.js - Ractive.js is a template-driven UI library, but unlike other tools that generate inert HTML, it transforms your templates into blueprints for apps that are interactive by default. By the Guardian
- Zoom Slider - fancy stuff
- Tail call optimization in ECMAScript 6
- Error Handling in Node.js - great article on the subject
- Material Design Lite - Fancy vanilla stuff!
DevOps, Security and other fun stuff.
- The Art of Performance tuning and Optimization - go read.
- Getting Started with Nano Server
- Consul - services discovery made easier.
LOLZ or Nize
- Docker Containers on the Desktop - Immutable Desktop applications!!!