Must see
- CQRS but different - Great video, with a focus on the but different. it think this is a must see!
- Elements of Scale: Composing and Scaling Data Platforms - Great article on scaling!
- Why Don’t Software Developers Use Static Analysis Tools to Find Bugs? - why?
Ideas, Thoughts and process
- A tale of two lambdas: The joys of working in a polyglot team. - interesting read, and i think in the future we need to be more polyglot.
- Modern Architectures: Throwing Down the Gauntlet
- When Old JIRA Tickets killed our Productivity/User Experience - will this be a problem for us?
- Usability and User Experience: A Usable Explanation
- An Illustrated Guide To Client Projects: Requirements vs Reality
- Agile methodologies are just tools
- Stop Worrying About How Much You Matter
Podcast & Videos
- NDC 2015 Videos - Videos from NDC, there is some gold in those videos.
- DockerCon day 1 - go learn!
- DockerCon day 2 - go learn more!
Software development - Pattern, Practices and architecture
- Architecting For Value - Data Value looks interesting
- Succeeding with Automated Integration Tests - well that would be nice.
- Improved production stability with circuit breakers
Domain Driven
Javascript (javascript, NodeJs, IOjs)
- ES6 Katas - Wnna learn ES6, this is a great way to learn it!
- What is WebAssembly? - what is it?
- Dynamics.js - cool physics based animations framework.
- tota11y - an accessibility visualization toolkit - great tool
- GITHUB stats on popular js
- Chart.js - nice charting framework, easy to use.
- Detecting and Automatically Fixing JavaScript Code Style
- Front-End Stack for EveryDollar - interesting
- Texture.js
- Mesh.js - cool data synchronisation library!
DevOps, Security and other fun stuff.
- Need an great analysis of of a db? - this is the place to go!
- PunkSPider Vulnerabilty search engine
- - search engine for the IoT…and exploits
- Cloud-Bandwidth - Great docker, docker-compose example
- DOCKER MACHINE 0.3.0 DEEP DIVE - come on i know you want to play!
- Understanding HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) and preloading it into the browser
- The Definitive Guide to the Modern Database - nice guide to CAP and other buzzy words
Other Languages
- Process the whole Wikidata in 7 minutes with your laptop (and Akka streams) - Akka is powerful