Must see()
Why Agile Didn’t Work - we implemented agile, but why didn’t it work?
13 mind-blowing statistics on user experience - You are 64 times more likely to climb Mount Everest than clicking on a banner ad
Docker and Windows Server Containers: A First Look - Sadly no .net 4.5, so no Sitecore and Docker yet…hopefully Sitecore will join us in the now…someday
Ideas, Thoughts and process
On Epiphany and Apophany - making sense?
eCommerce Web Performance & Speed: Experts Share Common Mistakes (& How to Improve)
Software development - Best pratices, Architecture?
Building Microservices: Inter-Process Communication in a Microservices Architecture
Getting Started With Microservices - Great guide from DZone
Is it just me or is networking really hard? - It always astonishes me when folks don’t understand why using UDP is so important for networking games.
How Domain-Driven Design Aids in the Planning of Microservices Architecture
Local Machine Interprocess Communication with .NET - A description of several techniques to pass messages between processes running on the same machine
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy - Introduction to ASP.NET 5 - someday we will use it…
Sending WebHooks with ASP.NET WebHooks Preview - This look awesome! most of the tim ea simple pub/sub is enough…
Running a C# REPL in a DNX application with scriptcs - REPL is so hot right now…
Molecule - HTML5 Game Framework
Modernizr 3: A new release and website - apperantly we still need to support the past…
Other Languages ?
Html, CSS, CSS preprocessors and all thing designy
The definitive answer to the “Hamburger menu” debate it hans been settled
Sketch - Drop Photoshop?!?
- Bazel - Make from Google…
Cloud, DevOps and Security.
The Beauty of Old-school Backdoors - Enjoy that nostalgia by sharing your favorite one(s) using the #oldschoolbackdoors on social networks.
Are your DNS servers configured correctly? Run these 6 simple tests to find out.
Building DistributedLog: Twitter’s high-performance replicated log service
C-Ports: Docker Containers Across Multiple Clouds and Datacenters! - Interesting!
Building a microservice using Docker and Node.js Part 1 & Part 2
Amazon EC2 Container Service and Elastic Beanstalk: Docker on AWS
How to monitor OpenStack deployments with Docker, Graphite, Grafana, collectd and Chef
Full-fledged Docker CI/CD workflow using wercker and
In Container World, Chef Faces Shifting Landscape for Configuration Management
Machine Learning and other very fancy buzzwords
DAY OF THE DONKEY - What happens when DevOps goes mainstream?
Classical Inheritance is Obsolete - How to Think in Prototypal OO - Maybe we should stop trying to make Javascript OO and focus on it strengths as a functional language?
- Continuous Delivery Patterns for Design & Deployment - I really like the Canary deployment!
Made me Laugh or Cry.
EverBlock™ is a Life-Sized Modular Building Block That Allows You To Build Nearly Anything - We need this!
Yeezt4Prez - if i could vote!