Weekly links (* is for everyone)
My favorits (*)
- Startup Playbook
- Sitecore and Containers! - Per made Siteocre run i a container!
- Introducing Pokedex.org: a progressive webapp for Pokémon fans - This is awesome use of technology, go read it and hopefully be inspired!
- Configuring your Windows development environment - The best guide for setting up your windows Node environment!
- The 6 Causes of Professional Burnout And How To Avoid Them - a little linkbaity but i think it is a good article.
- Service Locator violates encapsulation - Please remember this!
- The Web 1.0 Conference - This is old school, it is kinda great i think i’m i love.
Ideas, Thoughts and process*
- How to tackle change management in an era of automation
- Developing an Enterprise Strategy for the Internet of Things
- How We Talk About Diversity at Stack Overflow
- Gartner Survey Reveals Western European Employees View IT as a Technical Resource, Not a Digital Advisor - interesting
Software development practices
- Testing with Data
- Refactoring to an Adaptive Model
- Software Versions are Broken
- PAPERS ARE AMAZING: Profiling threaded programs with Coz - great article on a great paper. Hopefully we can port this to our world… Github
- Recipe: The Best Darn HTTP Cookies
- Designing Evolvable APIs for the Web: Identification
- Software architecture diagrams should be maps of your source code - I really dig this idea!
- Breakpoint Generator Extension
- Delegates in C#
- .NET CLR Explained - nice walkthrough
- Asynchronous Everything
- Using ASP.NET WebHooks with IFTTT and Zapier to Monitor Twitter and Google Sheets
- CQS versus server generated IDs - Well in case you wondered, and i like that that the code is not coupled with the DB
- Handing off to another ASP.net MVC Controller Action without redirecting
- The road to DNX – part 1
- New AWS Quick Start – Sitecore - So AWS made friends with Sitecore….
- What your frontend app can learn from Node.js - we explored the benefits of narrowly scoped abstractions created by developers for developers.
- Building a Chrome Extension using React.js, Broccoli, CoffeeScript, and SASS (CSS)
- Recursion, Tail Calls and Trampolines
- Don’t lose user and app state, use Page Visibility
- Creating Node.js Command Line Utilities to Improve Your Workflow
- The CSP module is the largest part of Helmet
- Convert PSD to PNG with Node.js
- A powerful way to integrate Hubot with Slack
- GraphQL.js - I don’t know what to think yet, this needs a test run maybe againt Falcor
- Node v0.12.8 (LTS)
Other Languages
- Why Beginners Should Learn Python - i think everyone should learn a new language sometimes
- Testing AKKA application with Spock
- Generating unque IDs: an easy and reliable way
- Optimized Chinese Restaurant Process
Web/design stuff
- Developer Tools Blog Summary for Microsoft Connect(); //2015
- The Slack Cheat Sheet
- Carina by Rackspace + Integrating Carina with Your Continuous Integration Pipeline
- Apache Kafka 0.9 is Released
Cloud, DevOps and Security.
- Kong - open source APi gateway, this looks like something we should play with!
- Recycle, Reuse, Reharm: How hackers use variants of known malware to victimize companies and what PayPal is doing to eradicate that capability
- Open-sourcing PinLater: An asynchronous job execution system
- Chatting about ChatOps from Atlassian Summit
- Building a Near Real-Time Discovery Platform with AWS
- BeEF - Wanna learn some of the attackers tools?
- Infrastructure as Code – part 3 – Containers
- Building Analytics at Simple
- How Hypernetes Brings Multi-tenancy to Microservice Architectures
- Protecting windows networks – dealing with credential theft
- Web Authentication Methods Explained - Always good to read up on
- Identifying outages with argos, uber’s real-time monitoring and root-cause exploration tool - just a little monitoring niceness to brighten your day!
- 3 Ways to Integrate Third-Party Metrics into Your Data Platform
- Microsoft Secures the Windows Docker Container
- Semaphore Tests Continuous Integration on Docker
- How To Work with Docker Data Volumes on Ubuntu 14.04
- How to Manage the Change Containers Bring
- Stop Being Lazy and Test Your Software
- CoreOS Introduces Clair: Open Source Vulnerability Analysis for your Containers
Machine Learning, IoT and other very fancy buzzwords
- Toward Full Elasticity in Distributed Static Analysis
- Off-The-Shelf-Hacker: Learn to Solder
- 10 more lessons learned from building Machine Learning systems
Videos & Podcasts
Made me Laugh, Cry or just news.*
- SyncStop - Your USB condom, SyncStop prevents accidental data exchange when your device is plugged into someone else’s computer or a public charging station.
- How to Baffle Web Trackers by Obfuscating Your Movements Online - Great idea!
- How Close Are We To a Mission on Mars?
- How Bumblebees May Help Smart Cars Drive Themselves