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- Machine Learning, IoT and other very fancy buzzwords
- Videos & Podcasts
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- Made me Laugh, Cry or just news
My favorites
- Anypixel.js
- Instant Loading: Building Offline-first Progressive Web Apps
- Ka Engineering Principles - Google Docs - interesting
Ideas, Thoughts, comments
- Our Onboarding Process
- Disruption Is Not A Strategy
- Building A Better Code Review Process
- Are You A 10x Programmer? Or Just A Jerk?
Agile, Organizations and process
- Open Source at Docker - Part 1: The People & Part 2: The Processes
- A Study Of Software Testers
Architecture & Software development practices
.Net, C (& Powershell)
- Less Than Dot - Blog - Improved Teamcity .Net Build Warnings
- Writing Implicit And Explicit C# Conversion Operators
- Application Integration: Azure Functions Vs Webjobs
- A Windows Guy’s Guide: Setting Up .Net Core On Rhel – Red Hat Developer Blog
- Adding Authentication To A Native Desktop C# App With Jwts
- The .Net Cli Decoded -Telerik Developer Network
Other Languages
- Zeit – Async And Await
- Useful Javascript Design Patterns - Software Consultancy Firm
- Which Javascript Framework Should I Use Next?
- Ideas On Modern Progressive Enhancement (Pe)
- Front-end Hyperpolyglot
- The Shocking Secret About Static Types
- When ‘Not’ To Use Arrow Functions
- Using A Persistent Local Queue In Node.js
- Things I Learnt From Dockerising My Development :: Simon Emms
Web including html and css
Tools and things from Github
- Msbuild Structured Log: Record And Visualize Your Builds
- Prose Is A Content Editor For Github Designed For Managing Websites.
- Turning On Windows Features Using Powershell Dsc Extension And Azure Cli - Blog - Microsoft Azure
- Structurizr - Express
- Handy Bash Feature: Process Substitution — Medium
Cloud, DevOps and Security
- Getting Started With Azure Functions In Powershell
- Deploy A Geo-ha Service Fabric Cluster On Azure « Alexandre Brisebois ☁
- Azure Export Template – Your New Best Friend - Vincent-philippe Lauzon’s Blog
- How To Build A Node.js Nano Server Docker Base Image
- Running Puppet Inside Docker Containers: Useful Tool Or Cool Trick?
- Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Docker
- Puppet In Docker: Running Puppet On Container-centric Infrastructure
- How We Came Up With ‘Docker Arcade’ - Hybridivy
Monitoring and Performance
Machine Learning, IoT and other very fancy buzzwords
Videos, presentations & Podcasts
- Instant Loading: Building Offline-first Progressive Web Apps
- Offline Web Applications - Udacity
- Community Standup - June 2nd, 2016 - Hunter Visits
- Containers #101 : Introduction To Docker Compose V2
Books and Papers
- How to Build Static Checking Systems Using Orders of Magnitude Less Code
- Free Ebooks From Microsoft Press - Microsoft Virtual Academy
- Microsoft Sql Server Developer Edition Is Now Free
- Automated Workflow & Task Automation - Microsoft Flow