#I’m doing an executive master# And I need help, I’m looking companies who are doing or looking into DevOps.

So if you know anyone who will be willing to talk to me please hook me up. E-mail - [email protected] LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/magnusudbjorg/ Twitter - (@MagnusUdbjorg)[https://twitter.com/MagnusUdbjorg]

#Why” DevOps is not born out of the academic community but from the modern developer’s community and the unicorns of the internet age (Netflix, Google etc…). This is why I think it is interesting to look at through another optic which I’m not used to, I have a clear understanding of DevOps which I need to be challenged.

I will examine:

  • How do we define DevOps?
  • Why do we implement DevOps?
  • How do we implement DevOps?

There are two sides to these questions - What does the literature say and how is it defined in “real” life.